I. The Mindful Groomer…Achieving balance throughout your entire grooming process!
It’s easy to overlook how professional grooming is an intricate process. We will Identify the Key Elements required to manage a successful, efficient and stress-free grooming environment. Not understanding these elements can make for an up-hill struggle of “trial and error”, not to mention unnecessary physical and mental anguish often leading to burn out or failure. This visual presentation and discussion will illustrate how applying simple coat & skin facts, basic hair care chemistry, and scientifically proven methods relates to developing a more mindful grooming protocol for mastering one’s tools, equipment, techniques, safety and health. Balancing these elements will help you manage a more successful and effective business overall.
II. Conquer Bad Hair Days Forever! The Truth about Coat Damage, Mats and Tangles
We struggle with de-shedding, de-matting, and de-tangling on a daily basis. Many opinions, techniques, tools, and products attempt to tackle these challenges. However we really need to understand some basic hair physiology and chemistry to select the best approach. We will review client dog video and the hair samples taken and analyzed with electron microscopy. Observe coat damage, mats, tangles, and undercoat from several common coat types up-close as never seen before. This data provides keen insight that leads to guaranteed results! Learn how to safely release more shedding and mats while avoiding the risk of further coat damage and messes. Eliminate pre-brushing and reduce stress. Create a much calmer environment by avoiding muscle strain and/or injury to you and your client dogs. Save time and earn more just by understanding the “Truth” behind bad hair days!
III. Your Business Runs On Shampoo! … Streamline your grooming process with liquids!
Let’s be frank. Your business runs on shampoo, and “Tub Time” is the most critical phase of the grooming process. The liquid products you use definitely impact your business’ success. There are products out there that do most of the hard work for you. However these typically get overlooked, even though they save a ton of time, and time is money for grooming professionals. In fact, you may have some of these products in your salon right now staring you in the face! We will reveal these, what key ingredients to look for, discuss pH, the myths behind dilution rates, breakthrough conditioners, whiteners, deodorizers, facial washes and more. Most importantly we will reveal the best methods for using these products and how to actually “do more with less”. A fresh perspective and “must see” for any salon owner, mobile business or start-up!.
IV. ALL ABOUT BATHING SYSTEMS: Understanding, Integrating & Mastery of Shampoo Applicators!
Having trouble determining which shampoo bather system and methods will work best for you and your business? In the first hour of this two-part seminar, you’ll learn the science and workflow process behind each of today’s most popular systems. Discover how to get the most from each system along with many proven tips that will save you time, money and aggravation.
V. HV DRYER TECH: Essential facts & methods that will Blow Your Mind!
Discover what really matters for enhanced dryer performance. While “Tub Time” and “Liquid Products” are critical parts of the grooming process, one’s “HV Drying Methods” are typically overlooked, undervalued and misunderstood. This seminar provides a complete understanding of the “Drying Process” backed by science and proven secrets of the trade. Learn how to Avoid Creating More Tangles, Release More Matts & Shedding, Replace Brushing all by using your dryer to its utmost potential. Ever wonder what the difference is between all those different nozzles? Do Amps or Horse Power really matter? What is CFM? Know what to look for in a new dryer and simple maintenance tips. A fresh perspective and “must see” for any salon owner, mobile business or start-up!